Tales by Thom

Everyday stories from a kid's view

Today at 9:00am, we went to get our Caviler King Charles Spaniel at http://hurricanedogs.com . We got past the guard dog “monkey” (small Yorkie). Then we went inside and got greeted by Donna Ehmann. We went over to a table where we talked about things you need to know to take care of your dog. She brought over little Caesar, and we held him in our arms. It turns out he loves eating grass and likes to sleep in corners. We said bye and got him in the crate. We took him for a ride back home and  he slept for a few hours. Then he got up and played with us; he loves the red dog plushie. They sleep a lot, and play too. I can’t believe I actually got a dog, after like 100000 times of rejection. So, I am really happy.

If you are looking for a breeder in Arizona, then I recommend you go to (http://hurricanedogs.com) and maybe consider buying a puppy.IMG_1186FullSizeRender (1)IMG_1182

One thought on “New Dog!?!?

  1. Sidra says:

    Awwwww your new puppy is so adorable by the way this is Sidra

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